This Christmas season, Sovereign Global Advisors teamed up with the New York Cares nonprofit to give the children at Dr. Jacqueline Peek-Davis Elementary School, a Brooklyn-based elementary school for the surrounding community, an early Christmas. The Sovereign Global team took the afternoon off and excitedly delivered several donated presents to the underprivileged kids in Brooklyn.
The children were allowed to write down on their wish-list what they would like for Christmas this year, and Sovereign Global took the challenge to meet all of their wishes. From Amazon to Ebay, the gifts were painstakingly tracked down and ordered for immediate delivery. Unfortunately, not all gifts arrived on time as they should have. One particular boy really had his heart set on a skateboard. Once John Dragotta, President & CEO of Sovereign Global, noticed it had not made it to the Sovereign headquarters on time, he decided to comb the stores of Manhattan at the last minute to ensure that the boy got his heart’s desire after all. “During this time of year, those who don't have much tend to feel down especially when it comes to the holidays. I didn't want this to happen to these kids. Seeing their smiles when they received their gifts assured me they felt exactly how every child should feel on Christmas morning.” – Says John Dragotta; pictured above with Principle Nyree Dixon and Assistant Principle, Rose Graham.
New York Cares is a nonprofit organization that runs 1,500 hands-on, meaningful volunteer projects each month that provide a lifeline of support to vulnerable children, adults, and less-fortunate communities. More than 56,000 people volunteer with New York Cares annually because they know that they can make a real difference. To the end of that, 400,000 disadvantaged New Yorkers are helped every year. To learn more about the programs and how you can make a difference, please visit www.newyorkcares.org/volunteers
Sovereign Global Advisors is a New York-based financial services organization that provides a wide range of investment, securities, and execution services to an established and diversified client base including corporations and high net-worth individuals. With over 12 years’ experience, Sovereign Global strives to provide their clients with the utmost caring customer service and sound financial advice. For more information on Sovereign’s services and philanthropy efforts, please visit www.sovereignglobaladvisors.com